Yes. It’s been a long-held tradition that the bride and groom are not to see each other on the wedding day until the moment the bride walks down the aisle. What’s not unusual these days is the emergence of new trends from mismatched bridesmaids to different seating arrangements. All welcome breaks from tradition!

The pre-wedding first-look photo session,  another welcome break from tradition, is a chance for the bride and groom (or groom and groom/ bride and bride) to see each other for the first time on the day, before the ceremony. Here are a few reasons to consider before making the final plans for your wedding day timeline.




Do you get nervous around crowds, and hate being the centre of attention? Then this is a great option for you!

Most people are super nervous just before the ceremony understandably, it's one of those pretty massive moments. So, think about doing a first look. Let the stress fly away as you see your other half for the first time without the crowds.


first look wedding photos

first look wedding photos



A pre-wedding first-look isn’t just about getting a cheeky pre-wedding glimpse of each other however. It’s about being able to share that intimate moment together. Wedding days are busy with loads of people, all the people you love so, amazing, but also nice to have and share a few moments between just the two of you. 

Oh and those moments on camera... priceless!


First look bride and groom in field. Patina Photography. Famous Duo, Wellington Wedding Photographers



Having a first-look, and then photos to follow, is a much more efficient way to plan out the time line of the day. Make the most of all the moments and feels on the day. Take it all in, enjoy each other, party with of your friends and family, all without rushing any of it. Before you get the chance to let a hair move out of place or the weather turn for the worst, you’ll already have all those photos sorted.  That may even open the option later on to catch that golden light. You can even organise the bridal group photos before the celebrations get started and people start drinking too much (trust us this happens!).


Sunset wedding photos by wellington photographers Patina Photography


That's if the weather plays ball of course, in which case you'll still get something awesome. 😄


Bride and groom in gumboots. Farm wedding nz