Wedding Styling - Floral checklist


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This amazing floral design wedding check list is brought to you by the lovely Yvette Edwards, florist and stylist extraordinaire!

Choosing flowers for your wedding should be one of the most fun details to work on when planning your wedding.  I recently read that couples spend on average 250 hours planning a wedding.  Having worked with lots of couples on many different types of weddings, from small outdoor celebrations to luxury evening affairs, I can say no matter what your wedding style there are a few details worth keeping in mind as you choose your perfect blooms.  I have shared some of my personal checklist with you to help make life a little easier. 

1 Work together

Your florist is a professional and will have created flowers for many weddings.  Let them help you make the most of your venue and pull all the ideas you have together.  They will also be able to make suggestions and allocate your budget wisely.

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2 Embrace the season

No matter what time of year you have your wedding, use nature to inspire your colour scheme, the blooms you choose and the style of the designs.  Doing this always celebrates the best of the season and makes the most of what’s available.

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3 Plan your budget

Try and have a realistic idea of what you can afford when you are choosing your wish list.  Any large installations, hanging flowers, archways or intricate designs will cost above a typical spend.

4 Decide what’s important

It’s better to choose a few elements and do them well rather than try to spread your carefully planned budget too far.  Think about where you and your guests will get the most enjoyment out of your wedding flowers and where will they have the most impact?

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5 Love your colour scheme

If you have a favourite colour use that, try not to be too influenced by trends and choose something that you like.  It will all fall into place much easier than trying to like something you don’t.

6 Consider your menu style

Once you know what style of food you will be serving make sure this suits the style of table flowers you have in mind.  Think about any space needed for platters or shared plates and how wide are the tables?


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7 Add ambiance

Flowers and candles are the perfect pair and should be used as the final touch to make your wedding look incredible.  Think about some extra vases and candles here and there to add a nice touch to the whole venue.

8 Use scent carefully

Many people are sensitive to floral scents so choose carefully with your florist where to place strong smelling florals and where you should keep things lighter.  Heavy scents can also affect your taste, so it’s a good idea to keep the table flowers delicately scented.

9 Work with what you have

Use the style of your venue to inspire your floral designs.  For a country wedding make sure to include mixed textures, colour tones and informality into your choices.

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10 Limit time looking for ideas

Once you have a picture of a bouquet you like and ideally a table centre, you can just about stop looking.  That will be enough for any florist to see what style you like and you can work on the rest together.  It also means you hopefully won’t hit the average of 250 hours planning your wedding.

Massive thanks to Yvette for sharing her personal checklist - You can find out more about here work here: Yvette Edwards

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